On our Criminology and Psychopathology MSc course you will develop your understanding of a range of key psychological and criminological theories, practices and perspectives involved in crime and mental health.
The aim of this course is to provide you with an up-to-date multidisciplinary scientific and academic knowledge of criminal behaviour within a mental health context, which is particularly useful if you wish to pursue a career in crime prevention and rehabilitation.
You will consider theoretical and practical issues relating to the main factors influencing crime from biological, social, cultural and psychological perspectives. The course aims to contribute to the training needs of all those that have a role to play in providing services within criminal justice and across the areas of health, social welfare, education and youth justice services. It also provides an opportunity for a career change.
You will explore a range of specialist topics such as:
Any university-level qualifications or relevant experience you gain prior to starting university could count towards your course
The modules listed below are for the academic year 2022/23 and represent the course modules at this time. Modules and module details (including, but not limited to, location and time) are subject to change over time.
Contemporary Issues in Criminology (core, 20 credits)
Psychology and Crime (core, 20 credits)
Psychopathology (core, 20 credits)
Research Design and Analysis for Psychology (core, 20 credits)
Research Project (core, 60 credits)
Crime, Risk and Early Intervention (option, 20 credits)
Law, Policy and Ethics (option, 20 credits)
Terrorism and Counter Terrorism (option, 20 credits)
Our Criminology and Psychopathology MSc will provide you with opportunities to enter and/or progress within a diverse range of occupations including but not restricted to:
The course also provides additional benefits if you wish to pursue further study in clinical psychology and/or forensic psychology.