This master’s degree is designed for teachers and language professionals to learn how to teach the English language. The course is also suitable if you don’t have any teaching experience.
We have a diverse cohort so you’ll benefit from a varied learning experience. You’ll explore new theories and conversation around language, teaching languages and learning in various social and educational environments.
Explore language pedagogy, linguistics, sociolinguistics in relation to theory and practice on this English Language Teaching MA. You’ll also learn about topics such as the psychology of language and language testing.
Develop the skills needed to become an employable language teacher, policy maker, educator or researcher. On this course you’ll take part in discussions on language, undertake reading and be supported through research, plus you’ll have the opportunity to go into schools and understand the English language teaching process.
Our teaching team are experienced practitioners who have published work and research in the sector. Research topics have included the processes of second language learning and teaching and English as a second language and English as a foreign language in higher education.
This master’s degree explores the sociocultural, political, economic and cultural aspects of how the English language is learned, taught and used worldwide.
The reflexive and reflective element of this course aims to improve in your practice by encouraging you to think of yourself as a global language professional.
You will be required to have:
Example modules include:
Language Testing and Assessment
MA Dissertation
Patterns in Global Sociolinguistics
Linguistics and Language Teaching
Understanding the Language Classroom
Applying Learning Technologies
The Multilingual Classroom
This course is designed to help you further your teaching either in the UK or abroad. You could move on to a senior role in your current or previous role, or move into school management or a language advisory role.
You may also choose to continue your academic study.